Family remembrance jewelry
Family remembrance jewelry

Taking care of the logistics of creating even one piece of memorial jewelry can help someone grieving - you'll be doing something that can actively comfort that person once they have the jewelry.

family remembrance jewelry

Engravings may need to be thought about, fingerprints collected, and ashes handled. Memorial jewelry can be more complicated than simply placing an online order. It’s entirely possible that someone grieving wants, or would be supported by, a piece of memorial jewelry but they can’t bring themselves to go through the ordering process. If you are close to someone who passed, it might be a wonderful gift to provide (in addition to other help that is needed). People who are deep in grief, especially during the immediate time after a loss, might have a hard time doing things, even things they want to do. This may include ordering memorial jewelry or other keepsakes. Many people find memorial jewelry quite comforting, so a surprise gift might be just what they need.

family remembrance jewelry

Think about what you know about them and use your best judgment. If you’re going to give a piece of memorial jewelry to someone in crisis or deep grief, asking might not be possible. Of course, this isn’t a hard and fast rule but something to consider.

family remembrance jewelry

It's always a good idea to check with the recipients first if you want to give memorial jewelry as a gift. It also may make a thoughtful gift during a terrible time of grief and sorrow (there’s no time limit, however, on when to give memorial jewelry). Memorial jewelry is a loving way to honor someone who passed, keep their memory alive, and comfort those grieving.

Family remembrance jewelry