Reading Wright always feels to me like I am so grateful they hadn’t invented medications for depression yet, because a placated, medicated Wright would have been a boring writer I fear. Wright’s poetry fit the era in which it came forth: a celebration of fly over land, the unremarkable Midwest and a reconciliation of the beginning of when working class, middle class unexceptional white men began fading into obscurity, or so it has felt, maybe they were always in obscurity and Wright’s poetry was finally just stating the obvious. He wrote more than one masterful sonnet, but metrical structured poetry was not his best legacy.

My greatest ambition the next 30 years is to do less more often and do it in peace. For me its strive to still write a few more good poems, nourish my irresponsible self and be the person sitting in a hammock on William Duffy’s farm and do absolutely nothing but think, read and look at the beauty around me. It feels like I am at a juncture where I can see the past and the future and the question is what is yet to be done? It certainly isn’t climb the corporate ladder or build a bigger house or buy typical retirement toys, in other words do the things many people aspire to do as a measure of success at this stage in their lives. My surviving parent is likely older than the age I will be when I die. My children are the ages that I was when I had them. When I read the last line of Wright’s poem, what I think he is saying to me is, “I wasted my life” not by doing nothing or not doing more, but by not doing nothing more often! On a week that saw me turn a rather harmless late 50’s birthday, I have had that thought more than once in the past month, “I have wasted my life.” Hasn’t every late 50’s something man and woman thought that at least once? However, maybe not in the way you might think. One of the things I appreciate about James Wright, is the slight fog which permeates even his most sunny days. Waste My Time x On Deck 🔊🔥 | Use this audio for your videos! original sound - DjKilFinesse.Join 457 other subscribers Search for: Archives Because I had some time to waste… 🔊🔥 Use this audio for your videos! #d #dj a #arilennox g #guccimane o #ondeck w #wastemytime #m #musician m #musicianslife m #musicproducer i #indiemusic r #rockmusic p #popmusic m #musicstudent g #guitarplayer g #guitarsolo r #rapmusic b #bollywoodsinger m #musicphoto m #musicproduction d #deephousemusic s #singingcompetition r #rapper i #independentrapper u #unsignedrapper r #rapperitaliano s #streetrap i #independentrap h #hiphopbeats h #hiphopmusic r #rapitaliano h #hiphopitaliano h #hiphopislife h #hiphopculture m #musicartist l #localartist e #explorepage foryouĨ2 Likes, TikTok video from DjKilFinesse "Because I had some time to waste… 🔊🔥 Use this audio for your videos! #d#dja#arilennoxg#guccimaneo#ondeckw#wastemytime#m#musicianm#musicianslifem#musicproduceri#indiemusicr#rockmusicp#popmusicm#musicstudentg#guitarplayerg#guitarsolor#rapmusicb#bollywoodsingerm#musicphotom#musicproductiond#deephousemusics#singingcompetitionr#rapperi#independentrapperu#unsignedrapperr#rapperitalianos#streetrapi#independentraph#hiphopbeatsh#hiphopmusicr#rapitalianoh#hiphopitalianoh#hiphopislifeh#hiphopculturem#musicartistl#localartiste#explorepageforyou".